[TenTec] FS 285 & 217 500Hz CW filters
Ken Brown
ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sat Feb 16 14:18:12 EST 2013
Some of Ten-Tec's filters have both the model number and the stock code
stamped on them. Some have only the model number. Most I have seen have
only the stock code. In many cases only some portion of the stock code
is legible. Some of them have color marks on the crystals, such as blue
green or red. My guess is that the colors were used when sorting the
crystals by frequency.
> See http://www.tentecwiki.org/doku.php?id=filters
> My filters have the numbers 285 and 217 on them, as well as the stock code numbers
> i have several of these filters. can you tell me how to tell which is which
> tentec doesn tmark them.
Ten-Tec IF filter data
Model Number / Stock Code / Bandwidth Hz / Center frequency MHz / Poles
216 / 48161 / 500 / 9.002210 / 6 RTTY filter
217 / 48036 / 500 / 9.000750 / 8
218 / 48037 / 1800 / 9.001500 / 8
219 / 48055 / 250 / 9.000750 / 6 /8047 / 6840
??? / 48057 / 2400 / 9.001500 / 4/ Corsair 2.4 kHz stock filter
220 / 48058 / 2400 / 9.001500 / 8 /8307 / 6840 Omni stock filter
221 / 48243 / 250 / 9.000500 / 6 Low note CW filter
282 / 48054 / 250 / 6.299250 / 6
285 / 48053 / 500 / 6.299250 / 6
288 / 48075 / 1800 / 6.300000 / 8 / 9125 / N5
unk / 48127 / 6000 / 9 / ? / Paragon AM filter??
unk / 48074 / 2400 / 6.3 / 8 / Stock (non-option) 6.3 MHz filter>
The Model 220, stock number 48058 is the "normal" stock 9 MHz filter in
the Omni VI. It is used for opposite sideband rejection and bandwidth
limiting in transmit, and as the non-narrow (neither NAR or N-1 or N-2)
receive filter. It is probably used for the same purpose in some other
Ten-Tec equipment.
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