John Occhipinti k3ur at att.net
Mon Feb 11 18:51:12 EST 2013

I am writing in response to the questions about why TEN-TEC was not represented at the Orlando hamfest this past weekend. I was in contact today with Jim Wharton NO4A, Vice President TEN-TEC, INC, and he explained to me why they were not at the Orlando hamfest this year.

Jim told me to pass his email address   jwharton at tentec.com     and  anyone can contact him and he would explain TEN-TEC's reasoning for not attending the Orlando hamfest this year.

Jim also told me to remind everyone about TEN-TEC's no questions asked 30 day return policy, so if anyone wanted to see and operate a certain TEN-TEC radio they can try one out in their own hamshack. No other Amateur Radio Company offers this generous policy.

Jim wanted me to remind everyone that TEN-TEC will be represented at the Dayton Hamvention in May. Thank you.

John, K3UR

John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
Net Control, TEN-TEC SSB Nets
The Voice of Atlanta

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