John Occhipinti
k3ur at att.net
Sat Feb 23 06:28:38 EST 2013
The North Carolina QSO Party had planned their all day event for February 24th on 7.260 LSB a long time ago, prior to my starting up the TEN-TEC nets last April 2012, after several years of no TEN-TEC nets.
I have agreed to allow Marty W4MY and their Group to have 7.260 for their event. We shall see how active the 40 meter band is and I will move our 40 meter TEN-TEC net either 5 kHz up or down from 7.260.
Our 40 meter net starts at 20:00 UTC and the 20 meter net follows at 21:00 UTC on 14.325 USB. It would be a good thing for all of our net members to give the NC QSO Party a checkin prior to our net. Thank you.
John, K3UR
John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
Net Control, TEN-TEC SSB Nets
The Voice of Atlanta
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