[TenTec] Tuner

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jul 9 03:35:06 EDT 2013

On 7/9/2013 12:22 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> We don't all have room for a tower and beam like you do.
> In fact here in Europe, very few people do.  Less than 1% of us.
> The OCF is about the only way to get a single wire to work on many bands,
> unless you feed with openwire.

It's not an "either-or."  Look at the links on my qrz page to see what I 
did in Chicago, very small lot.  ALL resonant wires, no aluminum (except 
for 6M). There are MANY options for resonant, balanced, multi-band 
antennas for small lots.  OCF antennas and verticals in cities are 
NOISY. RX noise is is big @#%^*ing deal.  If you can't hear 'em, you 
can't work 'em.

73, Jim K9YC

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