[TenTec] equipment storage?

denton sprague denton at oregontrail.net
Wed Jul 24 22:50:34 EDT 2013

hmmmm…gives me an idea…
This qth is an older hobby farm…which means  there is a pump house out back that has been converted to a storage building…it is well insulated.
Think will take a gander at that and see what can do.
On Jul 24, 2013, at 7:17 PM, Al Gulseth <wb5jnc at centurytel.net> wrote:

> Dumb question - what about cinder block walls? I'd think that would be more 
> fire resistant than sheetrock and can be "DIY" with "dry stack" construction 
> (blocks without mortar in between but with strategically placed 
> rebar/concrete "columns" inside and a cement veneer on the outside).
> 73, Al
> On Wed July 24 2013 6:16:00 pm Stuart Rohre wrote:
>> Likely, going to publications on line for "Fire Resistive Construction,
>> Drywall" will show you the latest preferred thickness.  Certainly, metal
>> studs seem appealing but heavy timber actually lasts longer in a fire!
>> You can coat timber with a fire retardent foam material, which is also
>> excellent insulation.  That might give you the weather resistance you
>> need for Archival storage.
>> Stuart Rohre
>> K5KVH
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