[TenTec] Re Service Queue
Al Sirois
alsirois at roadrunner.com
Thu Jun 13 19:09:07 EDT 2013
Thursday evening, 1905 EDT
Thank you all for the encouragement and tips.
Looks like I'll just have to tackle the job.
alsirois at roadrunner.com
N1MHC at arrl.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Chambley, Sr.
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 5:43 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re Service Queue
Al et al.....
Those of us to whom changing final transistors has become routine, often
overlook a small but crucial point when explaining to others just how to
go about doing it.
After you've removed the old transistors, clean the pads well and make
sure the sink surface is clean. Then, after applying compound to the
transistors, mount them and tighten the screws BEFORE SOLDERING the wings.
If you solder before tightening the screws, you'll likely pop the metal
sink off the backside of the transistor, and that cannot be repaired.
So, if you're a fan of MP devices, neither of your new transistors are
useable and you'll need a new matched pair.
Other than that, it's pretty simple. You shouldn't be afraid to tackle
it yourself.
Phil C. Sr.
On 6/13/2013 1:39 PM, Wade Staggs wrote:
> I would love to work for Ten Tec in the Service Dept. Problem is, I am
> tied
> to the Middle Tennessee area due to Family concerns. I have done lots of
> older Argonauts all the way through Corsair, Paragon and Omni 6. Nobody
> has
> ask me to repair the newer stuff yet ! I have always found Paul, Gary,
> John
> and the whole crew to be Very Helpful. Once you become accustomed to the
> way Ten Tec lays out their schematics and learn some of the common
> problems
> .... they are a Joy to work on.
> Final Replacement ....?? 1. Remove old Finals 2. Replace with new ones.
> Make sure that all soldering is done neatly using enough heat. Some care
> is
> needed here, there is a fine line between enough heat and too much. 3.
> Check and adjust Bias if needed and neatly reassemble the radio, paying
> close attention to connectors and the placement of cables. I know of
> nothing more that has to be tuned or aligned. If, I had a full Lab Bench I
> would probably check things out a lot closer. My equipment is the good
> stuff but, very old. Thanks to John Henry, Paul and Gary... and the entire
> Ten Tec Staff for their support.
> 73 de Wade/KJ4WS
> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Al Sirois <alsirois at roadrunner.com>
> wrote:
>> Thursday, noontime: John Henry:
>> Thanks for the support of TenTec SERVICE.
>> =======
>> 6 months ago I tried to have finals replaced in my Delta-II; Service told
>> me it was not worth to do it.
>> ===============
>> That should be a decision the the owner should make. They would not give
>> me an estimate of repair.
>> I wasted the $$ for shipping both ways and the normal fee for the bench.
>> I'm still trying to find someone to replace the finals. Maybe,
>> Instructions from the factory could be made available for the owner to
>> do.
>> All the advertisement about service didn't come thru for me this time.
>> I have had good service from Paul & Gary in the past.
>> Al Sirois
>> N1MHC at arrl.net
>> ==============
>> -----Original Message----- From: John Henry
>> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:03 AM
>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
>> Subject: [TenTec] Re Service Queue
>> TEN-TEC does have an opening for a service tech, and the main rig that
>> service tech worked on is the Orion models. So, if anyone nearby wants to
>> apply, get with Paul Clinton in service and see what happens.
>> Depending upon the nature of the problem it might affect service turn
>> around, but, we are having production techs handle servicing at the
>> moment
>> and also one of the Orion engineers is handling the more difficult
>> repairs.
>> On average though, they get out rigs per week as fast as when we had a
>> dedicated service repair person.
>> I think what really impacted service times on the Orion is the changes in
>> the latest firmware revision. The latest software releases provide
>> features
>> that improved the performance to a point that people are hauling out
>> their
>> Orion's out of the closet and placing them back on the bench as the main
>> transceiver again. We are running into a lot of rigs that were
>> "mothballed"
>> and for whatever reason now have some issues. So we are getting bombarded
>> with a LOT of rigs whose problems would have been resolved over years,
>> now
>> all at once. I guess that is a problem with continuing on with software
>> updates providing new features taking them to new performance levels,
>> 1 - we don't sell new rigs (why buy a new rig when the performance level
>> of
>> the Orions are now jumping ahead of competition? SAF for example, best
>> feature added (per several customers inputs) to any rig in years)
>> 2 - we have to service more rigs. (rigs that were put in storage, off the
>> shelf, and due to whatever reason now exhibit issues that need repair).
>> I'll quit rambling and get back to work. Enjoy
>> Thanks, and 73,
>> John Henry, KI4JPL
>> TEN-TEC Engineering
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