[TenTec] OMNI VII Panadapter

Richards jrichards at k8jhr.com
Sat May 18 00:12:49 EDT 2013

Yes, I am.   Thanks for the uptake.

I long ago moved on and have neither expectation nor desire concerning a 
continuous Omni VII spectrum scope.

No bitterness or negative outlook about it or TT - I just gave up on it. 
  Sometimes a manufacturer with the best of intentions cannot, for any 
number of reasons, produce a particular product, and I know TT would 
never do it half way.   I also know how sincerely frustrated and 
disappointed JH is about it, also.  But it is a human enterprise and not 
a perfect world.  Lots of fun plans don't pan out.

In any case, I cannot see paying $600 or more on an internal spectrum 
scope, no matter how continuous and updating it might be.  It is not 
going to add $600 more fun or utility to the rig, at least not for me. 
Others' mileage may vary considerably.

I spent my spectrum scope money on a $100 IQ-based SDR kit from Funk 
Amateur in Germany, and I recently bought a Jupiter as a second radio. 
I can live with the static, time-slice sweep I now have,  which is 
really fun enough, and use the SDR or the Jupiter or my RX-320D as a 
second receiver with N4py's program.

I really like the RX-320D and I expect I will enjoy the Jupiter as a 
second rig,  although my example does not work right, and I shipped it 
TT HQ for service today.  It is drawing way too much current and has low 
power out on some bands - funny that my power supplies all dip from 
13.94 to as low as 10.5 v while transmitting with the Jupiter, but not 
the Omni VII... which is not good.

  I have faith in the TT service crew, and it will return soon enough, 
fit as a fiddle and ready for action.

Thanks for the uptake, BM !

-----------------  K8JHR  ------------------------------

On 5/17/2013 6:56 PM, Robert Mcgraw wrote:
> I trust you are making reference to the High Speed Sweep.   Likely by the
> Tentec Hamfest end of Sept if all goes well.  Most likely for the Omni
> VII.


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