[TenTec] RX366

Richards jrichards at k8jhr.com
Mon May 20 08:37:17 EDT 2013

On 5/20/2013 4:19 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
> James, nobody said that you can hear him.  You just assumed that.

	No Rick ... you are ignoring what you said.

	YOU said the differences between the two receivers
	would mean the difference between the 5th guy to
	work the DX, or the 155th guy to work him.

	So, if I can work him on both radios, then I can
	hear him on both radios - and if I can hear him, the
	difference in place will be the transmitter, not the

	Now you change the story to say you can hear him
	on one rig and not on another ... then on the other
	rig I cannot work him at all - It won't be the difference
	between 5th and 155th because NOW you say I can hear him
	at all.

	Sheesh... You are working too hard to disagree with me.

	It is a matter of logic - if the differences between
	radios is working him first or last in the pileup, the
	I must be able to hear him on both radios - or I won't
	work him at all on the lesser rig.  You shifted position.

> PEOPLE who never operate under these conditions will be pleased with the
> performance of most radios.

> The reason we have different opinions on this point is because we don't all
> operate under the same condx.

	I thought that was what John said to start the
	thread.... that most guys won't run into this
	or if they do, it won't happen very often.

	And then you started contradicting that.

Again, you are working too hard to disagree.  No one has ever explained 
how many contests were lost, and how many contacts were not made, 
because his third order intercept figure was too low.   It seems to me 
the big contest winners are big contest stations, with superior antennas 
and huge power amps on line - they are the loud stations that everybody 
works - they have pileups all day long and they never have to worry 
about squeezing DX out of the ether or prying them out from under a big 
loud flame thrower station - BECAUSE THEY ARE THE FLAME THROWER - and 
they don't need no stinking weak signal DX to make a win.  A few times I 
was that station  (we twice set the record in the MI QSO Party and 
placed 1st in our Section in the CQ DX 160m contest and 5th in NA)  and 
we surely did not worry about any of the scenarios you describe.  The 
rest of the rabble might, but then they are contesters with no chance of 
winning from the start.

I think you are working too hard to disagree with John's basic 
premise... that these situations are, for MOST GUYS, fairly rare and 
there is no need for them to worry about it - and that even Rob Sherwood 
says MOST modern radios are "good enough"  pretty much most of the time.

Nothing you say defeats this premise.

IT IS NOT IN THE TOP 5 ON THE RECEIVER LIST. - AND this explains why no 
one complains about having to use it during a contest.   All these 
scenarios are possible, just not likely for most guys.  That makes it 
essentially irrelevant except for some rare situations- exactly the 
point we started with.  You can multiply examples all day long, but it 
does not alter the fact most guys, most days, most places just don't 
need to worry about it to that extent.

And with this I am done, having exhausted my share of bandwidth.

----------------------  K8JHR --------------------------

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