[TenTec] Ten Tec 238 coupler and 160 meters

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Sat Nov 9 15:04:19 EST 2013

Bob, and the gang,

I added a random length of LMR400 coax between the output of the coupler and the 1:1 balun.

I’am guessing I’m tuning the coax and not so much coupling energy into the doublet. But now, the palstar and the Ten Tec 238 can find a tuning solution at 1.8000 mhz. Without the extra length coax length, neither one would. I have not tried other frequencies yet on either coupler.

Remember, I changed the length of the coax from the back of the tuner to the 1: 1 balun. NOT the length of the 600 ohm feed line

mike, WB8VGE

Mike Bryce
prosolar at sssnet.com

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