resluder at yahoo.com
resluder at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 28 20:29:33 EST 2013
I suspect he is referring to the ALC overshoot issue the TS-590 had (may still have).
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
Bob McGraw - K4TAX <RMcGraw at Blomand.net> wrote:
>What type problems are you referencing?
>I find the Eagle to be an excellent performer on SSB, CW and the digital
>modes. Recent firmware update improved the AGC response in as much it is
>not affected by noise bursts i.e. QRN. This also improved the NR
>application performance as well.
>Bob, K4TAX
>This is to inform all persons, I am a Tentec Ambassador and I receive
>compensation according to the Tentec Ambassador program. In addition, I
>serve as a volunteer beta test person to Tentec for the Omni VII, Eagle
>and Argonaut VI radios. I hold no employment relationship, no financial
>interests nor do I conduct any commercial business, direct or indirect,
>with Tentec.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Don Jones" <ko7i at comcast.net>
>To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
>Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 5:55 PM
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] 1,327 REASONS* WHY I LOVE MY EAGLE:
>>I am curious, has the EAGLE had any of the problems with SSB ALC problems
>>like that with the TS-590?
>> I had a TS-590 and moved it down the road, thinking about buying an Eagle.
>> Thanks, Don KO7i
>> On 11/26/2013 6:32 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
>>> Results: CQWW DX CW Contest (DM5P)
>>> 30 hrs. On the Air:
>>> - 1,327* QSOs
>>> - 1,044,012 points
>>> Over one million points running 600w and wire antennas.
>>> - Old Heathkit SB-1000
>>> - 80m Off-Center-Fed Dipole (80 thru 10)
>>> - 160m Inverted-L (just one elevated radial)
>>> As a result of our recent discussion around contest operating procedures,
>>> I
>>> paid extra attention to which knobs I touched during the contest.
>>> KNOBS:
>>> - I ran the Bandwidth at 100 Hz for the entire contest.
>>> - NEVER touched the Bandwidth or Bandpass controls a single time.
>>> - Band change was driven by the logging software
>>> - Besides the VFO knob which I constantly turned . . .
>>> - I ONLY ever touched the RF Gain (usually only once per band change).
>>> - I tried the NR button 2 or 3 times just to see how it is performing
>>> after
>>> the latest firmware updates: it's much better, but I didn't really need
>>> it;
>>> just adjusted the RF Gain.
>>> - I hit the TUNE button a couple times with each band change, to enable
>>> tuning the Model 238B and the Amplifier.
>>> - I also occasionally hit the Preamplifier or the Attenuation buttons.
>>> Let's go back and count this:
>>> - I twisted a total of 2 knobs (VFO and RF Gain)
>>> - I pushed the tune button dozens of times.
>>> - I pushed a couple other buttons, but only once per band change (if at
>>> all)
>>> Once again I have to ask you people who are turning knobs all the time:
>>> IMO, that is probably one of the main reasons your score is not as high
>>> as
>>> it could (should) be.
>>> This year I never even switched the RIT on.
>>> The 2 or 3 times it might have been helpful, I just worked the QSO
>>> without
>>> it, listening to a weird CW tone; after all, all you need to copy is the
>>> call sign and the zone. That's done in 3 or 4 seconds, so why even
>>> bother
>>> with the RIT?
>>> Thank you TEN-TEC for giving us the most enjoyable radio I have ever
>>> operated.
>>> It's not a toy, it's not a TV, it's just a simple-to-operate, darn good
>>> radio!
>>> 73
>>> Rick, DJ0IP (DM5P in contests)
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