[TenTec] I like it!

Richards jrichards at k8jhr.com
Sat Oct 5 11:33:45 EDT 2013

TenTec Equipment Mavens -

I was extremely pleased to see the TenTec Acrobat dipole center 
insulator as the centerpiece of a set of Jetstream (TM) G5RV antenna 
products.  They use the typical triangle shaped center conductor to 
convert the window line tuning stub to coax - but they chose the TT 
Acrobat center insulator to mate the dipole elements with the window line.

OK, not a huge deal, but a minor success nonetheless.  Every little sale 
helps keep the lights on at TT HQ.

I think this is an underrated and under appreciated item in the TT line. 
  It matches both coax and window line, and can be quickly assembled in 
the field with just a screwdriver.  I recommend these to new hams 
wanting to get on the air quickly, along with the Budwig HQ1 
element-to-coax insulator.  You can home brew practically everything, 
but these two items beat any home made equivalents.

So, TT supplies parts for Jetstream dipoles...  nice.

See one here:


Happy trails.
_______________________ K8JHR __________________

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