[TenTec] OMNI-VII update

John Henry jhenry at tentec.com
Sat Oct 12 09:15:43 EDT 2013

Well, if one does not know of a problem, then one cannot fix it.
I for one did not know of the QRN issue until about 3 mos ago in any of the
Since then, we have resolved the issue in the Orion, and I waited for
inputs back from customers before releasing it in the Orion II with the
same fix to that the Orion fix was the proper one. In some instances, a fix
in one QTH is a break in another.
I do have that same fix right now in the OMNI-VII in sort of alpha test
considering it is also the one that has the internet audio fixes and some
other fixes.
I am at home right now, checking email, answering customer questions, so I
can't state for a fact, but I believe that the 1035h that I have posted in
the OMNI-VII yahoo group HAS the QRN fix in it, already brought this up to
other customers that wanted to try it out, and already brought up to
customers that this is one of the earlier beta builds for the internet
fixes. So far, all votes from customers are that that specific build is a
So, if you want your cake now, then try the 1035h in the files section.
If not, well, then I can assume I'll continue to hear about it on here and
other places.
We are working our you know what's off to get these things to you guys, but
, well, no further comment.

Thanks, and 73,
John Henry, KI4JPL
TEN-TEC Engineering

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