[TenTec] Requirements for a top tier DXing rig

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 15:58:37 EDT 2013

Yes, that will work.  But if you're contesting, you're probably using N1MM
Logger software and no such display is provided.

I suggested many times that Elecraft provide a simple parameter display
utility but it never happened.

Barry N1EU

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 7:48 PM, Richards <jrichards at k8jhr.com> wrote:

> Interesting observations, Barry...  Gives me cause to pause and ask:
>         What if you use a program like N4PY produces,
>         or HamRadioDeluxe, or some other control program
>         that might display that additional data - even
>         if you are a knob guy like Cecil K5DL, could
>         you use one of these programs just for what it
>         can DISPLAY, and then control the rig from its
>         front panel?
>         I do that with N4PY and my TT Omni VII and my
>         KW TS-590s -- I prefer knobs, dials,and buttons
>         but like the display the software provides.
>         Or is this distracting, having to watch the
>         screen to monitor or track settings, and then
>         operate the rig by the front panel controls?
> -------------------- K8JHR ----------------------
> On 10/18/2013 3:04 PM, Barry N1EU wrote:
>  The form factor of the K3 means a lot more space on the desk but a lot
>> less
>> space on the display - no full time display of important parameters like
>> bandwidth, shift, power, mic gain/compression, monitor level, etc etc.
>>  You
>> have to push a knob to see each value.  And no parameters at all are
>> visible about the subreceiver unless you switch the display from main to
>> sub.  There's plenty to like about the K3 and contesters have adopted it
>> in
>> droves, but the form factor doesn't work for me.
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