[TenTec] Any update on a replacement for the Orion II?

Floyd Sense floyd at k8ac.net
Sat Apr 5 16:27:11 EDT 2014

Regarding the Orion II vs K3:  I think Barry hit all the key nails on 
the head regarding the K3 shortcomings.  One thing I'd disagree with 
just slightly: I don't consider the move from K3 to Orion II or vice 
versa to be a lateral move.  I bought a new K3 early on after having 
used a K2 for CW work for some time.  For some of the reasons Barry 
mentioned, I moved on from the K3 to something else for a while and for 
some reason elected to try a K3 again (after the P3 became available).  
Once again, there were some issues with it I just couldn't get past.  
After a brief fling with an FTDX-5000, I decided to try the Orion II.  I 
should point out that I'm not a Tentec "fan-boy" and bought the Orion II 
thinking it wouldn't last long on my desk.  Well, it's been over three 
years now, and frankly, other than the incredibly useless spectrum 
scope, I can't find fault with the Orion II.  With NaP3 and LP-Pan as 
the panadapter, I think the Orion II suits my style of operating better 
than anything else. If I had to complain about something, it might be 
the unusually large footprint on the desktop.  If I had to have a rig 
that would fit in an airline carry-on bag (isn't that the Elecraft 
litmus test?), then I'd have a K3 or K2.  Otherwise, it's the Orion II.

One comment on the Omni VII: I got my hands on one at the Charlotte 
hamfest right after it was announced.  What struck me was the unusually 
long time it took to paint a stable image of the frequency numbers on 
the screen as you tuned the thing.  The result was that the low order 
numbers of the frequency readout was just a blur as you tuned the knob 
at anything more than a very slow rate.  Just couldn't get past that one.

73, K8AC

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