[TenTec] New technology

Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Thu Apr 10 10:18:36 EDT 2014

Wade, did you manage to find the problem with you rig (the 30 Hz problem)?

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Wade Staggs
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 3:10 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] New technology

*That is part of my frustration. Am I talking to an operator with a really
good Fist? Or is it a kid somewhere with his IPhone setup to remote through
his Internet Connection to the Radio which is Keying his Rig after
converting his Text Message to CW?  ...   Field Day, lost it's appeal for
me several years ago when the CW Skimmer and Memory Keyer took over the job
of a CW Operator. Press 1 to call CQ Field Day. Type in a Call Sign and
Press 2 to send UR 59 73 OM K ... Press 1 to start over. Where is the Fun in
that? How in the heck did Everybody become a  59 signal all of a sudden?
Some of todays Hams never would have made it in 1974. What ever happened to
the Fun of finding Rare DX Stations? Now you just look at the Internet and
tune to their Frequency. I would bet that if, you took away all of their
Gadgets, some of these High Tech Hams would be lost out there, walking
around with their fingers .... Well, I won't finish that thought. I actually
had a Newly Minted General Class last night, tell me that I was 30 Hz. Low
in Frequency. I WAS THE NET CONTROL! 30 Hz. my left elbow! Looked at my Net
Preamble again and sure enough .... it does say on or about 3xxx KC. which
causes more Grief when they ask what the heck Kilocycles is supposed to be!
When that little fellow told me that Net Control was 30 Hz.
Low in Frequency, I could hear old timers all over the State falling out of
their chairs laughing. And then wondering what old crusty Wade, was going to
say in reply!*
*                                                          73 my Friends
from Wade/KJ4WS*

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Howellh <haney.howell at gmail.com> wrote:

> When I stayed up all night working CW on 40 meters with a 6kc filter 
> and a bug as a novice in 1958, my ultimate dream was a screen that 
> showed all the calls and a mouse to click to work them.  That's why 
> kids are flooding our ranks today.  No static, just waterfalls SDR.
> I like my Orion, corsair II, Omni D and 509 argonaut.  The Collins S 
> line will be tossed when I go I'm sure.  Guess my day is over.
> SDR radios are like fly fishing with a robot.  Who wants to feels 
> those damned fish on the line anyhow?
> Back to my crusty corner. A most interesting conversation.
> Haney Howell
> k2xn
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