[TenTec] Corsair noise blanker and frequency display

A R raf_3 at msn.com
Mon Feb 3 13:59:54 EST 2014

Yeah, the random number generator on the display is the display itself. The frequency itself is rock-solid, and after one minute, the display homes in on the actual frequency.

Having struggled with a variety of ineffective nb's on several high-tech transceivers that were unable to cope with my noise, I was really impressed by the TRITON's ability to eliminate the noise. If only the TRITON had the selectivity of the Corsair, or the Corsair had the NB effectiveness of the TRITON, I'd be a real happy camper. An outboard ANC-4 noise canceller works pretty well most of the time, but the Triton's nb works all the time, without having to fiddle with tuning adjustments, and I hate using outboard band-aids. I'm looking seriously at adapting the Triton 249 NB into the Corsair.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob McGraw - K4TAX<mailto:RMcGraw at Blomand.net> 
  To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment<mailto:tentec at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 11:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair noise blanker and frequency display

  I wonder if this is a display issue or are the oscillators actually changing 
  frequency and same is being displayed.  I have an older radio, non Tentec, 
  that when first turned on the display looks more like the lights on a 
  pinball machine.  The oscillators are moving as well as the display 
  reference frequency.  It is a real hoot to watch for about the first 30 
  minutes or so then it finally settles down.

  As to noise blankers, historically I've found only a very few really good 
  noise blankers and at that same time there's a lot of noise blankers.  The 
  Collins variable blanking bandwidth system seems to always be the best.  The 
  rest are mostly copies and less effective compromises.  Of recent, the 
  hardware NB as used in the Eagle is one of the better systems.  One factor 
  that seems to impact the effectiveness is more related to where the blanking 
  takes place as related to the AGC system.  And as Rob Sherwood concluded, 
  the AGC has a notable effect on pulse type noise.

  Bob, K4TAX

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "k6jek" <k6jek at comcast.net<mailto:k6jek at comcast.net>>
  To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com<mailto:tentec at contesting.com>>
  Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 12:14 PM
  Subject: Re: [TenTec] Corsair noise blanker and frequency display

  > FWIW my Corsair does exactly the same thing on both counts.
  > On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:12 AM, A R wrote:
  >> I received my newly acquired Corsair (not II), s/n  718, and have a 
  >> couple of questions:
  >> At cold start-up in the morning, it takes about a minute for the 
  >> displayed frequency to stabilize and display the actual frequency. During 
  >> that warm-up minute, all the display digits are toggling "randomly". Is 
  >> this a common issue with the Corsairs? Is there a remedy?
  >> The noise blanker is ineffective with respect to eliminating or even 
  >> noticeably reducing powerline-generated noise that my TRITON noise 
  >> blanker completely eliminates. Again, is this a common issue with the 
  >> Corsairs. If so, has anyone developed a modification that improves the 
  >> effectiveness of the NB? The TRITON's NB is so effective in eliminating 
  >> at least the noise that plagues me, I'd sure like to get the same NB 
  >> effectiveness out of the Corsair. The NB's of the TRITON and Corsair are 
  >> architecturally the same (signal flow and conditioning), so if the 
  >> Corsairs have characteristically ineffective noise limiters, my 
  >> powerline-generated noise is enough of an operating problem, that I would 
  >> even entertain adapting the TRITON's NB to the Corsair....as a last 
  >> resort.
  >> Allen------W7GIF
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