[TenTec] Paragon problem

Vic Klein vhklein at ptd.net
Mon Jul 14 07:28:33 EDT 2014

The input diodes were actually BA482's, while the output diodes were
1N4148's. The former has about .7dB lower losses, but also has a breakdown
reverse voltage of only 35v  as opposed to 75v for the latter, so I think
that is why they were the ones to fail. The BA482 seems to be made of
unobtanium, but the 1N4148's are readily available...I actually had 9 in my
junk box. Looking deeper at the next board, the 1st Mixer, I think several
of the BA type or PIN diodes there may be zapped, as well, but I found a
board from a parted out Paragon that I have on the way, and hopefully that
will save a lot of time on component repair.

I did test each band section on the Hi-pass board and the voltages are
switching correctly, although the actual voltage seems a little off to what
I would have expected. I identified the bad diodes using the forward/reverse
resistance check, but on my digital meter I had to use the 2Meg scale to get

To: 	"Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: 	Re: [TenTec] Paragon problem
From: 	"Bob McGraw - K4TAX" <RMcGraw at Blomand.net>
Reply-to: 	Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Date: 	Sun, 13 Jul 2014 22:36:34 -0500
List-post: 	<tentec at contesting.com">mailto:tentec at contesting.com>
Correct and one reason I keep my old Triplet 603 VOM, it has a + & - switch
on the front, thus I don't have to flip the test probes on the device. Of
course my FLUKE DVM has provision for a diode test as well. But with it I
have to flip the leads to measure forward and reverse resistance of the

I'd expect some of those diodes on the High Pass Filter board are leaky and
thus two or more filters may be engaged at once. I find it somewhat
interesting that 8 diodes were open and all on the input side of the

Bob, K4TAX

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