K8JHR jrichards at k8jhr.com
Mon Jul 28 23:48:04 EDT 2014

There is no reason a new operator should start with a simple, less 
capable rig.  Why hobble him early on.  The default settings on any rig 
will serve well, while he learns to use its more esoteric features.  He 
should buy whatever radio suits his taste, budget, and expectations.

The Omni VII was my first ham transceiver and I am glad I did not buy 
the first piece of road kill found at a local hamfest, as many other 
hams recommend.   I knew it was a good choice when the contest group 
asked me to bring my Omni VII to the big show, whilst they left their 
Brand X rigs home.

Always reach for the brass ring.

-----------------------JR --------------------------

On 7/28/2014 3:51 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

> Indy drivers don't just jump in an Indy car for their first race, they work
> up to it.
> Somebody gave that poor chap some expensive and bad advice.

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