[TenTec] Omni VI+ to computer issue

Jim Allen jim.allen at longhornband.net
Tue Jun 17 21:16:03 EDT 2014

The other day I wrote in about the problem I was having with the Omni VI+,
taking the place of the Omni VI Opt. 3, with respect to interfacing with
the computer running Win-EQF.

It was working before and now I have been getting error messages about
opening a COM port for the TNC.  The specific gripe was that both the TNC
and the Omni VI+ could not be on COM3.  OK!  Neither did it work on COM1,
2, 4, or 5!

Today, after spending some time with the manual for the Omni VI+ and the
Win-EQF software on my knee, I realized I don't HAVE a TNC so why is it
selected "ON?"

I selected "OFF" and no more error messages.  Why, or how, it got changed
is a mystery.

Never mind!

73 de W6OGC  Jim Allen

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