[TenTec] Orion 2 SSB Filter Adj?

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 15:52:02 EDT 2014

Also, make sure your RX EQ is set to 0DB

Barry N1EU

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Barry N1EU <barry.n1eu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is the comparison plot:  http://n1eu.com/566.gif
> Yellow is my 566, purple is your 2400Hz audio and aqua is your 2410Hz
> audio.  As Onno suggested, please make sure you don't have notch filter (or
> NB, NR, SAF, AN) engaged.  Also, did you have a pair of headphones,
> external speaker or anything else connected to the audio outputs other than
> the soundcard?  Both of your audio passbands are very abnormal.
> 73, Barry N1EU
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 10:51 PM, John Huffman <hjohnc at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Your measurements are much cleaner than mine.  I will get you the audio
>> files.
>> 73 de K1ESE
>> John
>> On 3/25/2014 6:24 PM, Barry N1EU wrote:
>>> This is what the 566spectrum should look like at 2400Hz BW and PBT at 0:
>>> My RX EQ is also at 0.
>>> http://n1eu.com/566_2400.gif
>>> 73, Barry N1EU
>>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:57 PM, John Huffman <hjohnc at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Barry -
>>>> I did a spectrum scan at 2.400kHz -
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewsom5vouqqzxho/2r400khz.jpg
>>>> And one at 2.410kHz -
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/22406qhdaknb7b9/2r410khz.jpg
>>>> Very different.
>>>> 73 de K1ESE
>>>> John
>>>> On 3/25/2014 4:50 PM, Barry N1EU wrote:
>>>>  John, if you're able to make a WAV recording with a soundcard off your
>>>>> 566's audio output, please record ten seconds of band noise at 2400hz
>>>>> selectivity in USB with PBT at 0 and email it to me.  I'll run the
>>>>> spectrum
>>>>> on it and compare with my 566 and create a plot showing the two
>>>>> compared.
>>>>> 73, Barry N1EU
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 7:56 PM, John Huffman <hjohnc at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
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