[TenTec] Eagle problem?
Jim Allen
jim.allen at longhornband.net
Thu May 8 17:10:01 EDT 2014
I hasten to add that I did not recite this incident to get into a
discussion about Lemon Laws, auto dealers, etc, all very fascinating, but
to illustrate how sometimes there are ways to solve a problem, save a happy
customer, at lower overall cost.
I practiced real estate law for nearly 40 years and always tried to figure
out a way to solve a problem at the lowest cost. I was often successful
when I could figure out what each party's true interest was and how to get
it for them. When that didn't work, it was always expensive.
I wouldn't tell TenTec or anyone else how to handle this, but maybe giving
the guy a new radio would not cost much and earn a loyal customer for life.
73 de W6OGC Jim Allen
On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Jim Allen <jim.allen at longhornband.net>wrote:
> I wanted the AM radio to work decently. Volvo couldn't make it work in 16
> repair attempts, and told me I was on my own. Since they decided to play
> "victory or death" I had to act. The Lemon Law applied and allows them 8
> tries to get it right.
> I would have preferred the radio to work, and would have been very happy
> to turn in that car for another, same make and model with a working radio.
> I was otherwise happy with the car, a then top of the line S80T6. For some
> reason Volvo would not consider that, so..........
> It took a couple of months from the first letter to resolution. Volvo
> could have proposed a decent alternative at any point and I would likely
> still be driving Volvos. Volvo took the car, returned my money, all but a
> few hundred dollars, and paid several thousand to my lawyer.
> It all worked out OK.
> 73 de W6OGC Jim Allen
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP <Rick at dj0ip.de>wrote:
>> Jim, are you saying that you wanted to give your Volvo back because the AM
>> radio did not work right?
>> 73 - Rick, DJ0IP
>> (Nr. Frankfurt am Main)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim
>> Allen
>> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 9:18 PM
>> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle problem?
>> Could the problem possibly be in the local set up somehow? It seems very
>> odd that a radio that won't work as expected in one's shack goes back and
>> works just fine on the bench at Tentec.
>> It might be just the bad radio that occasionally makes it through QC.
>> Maybe he should turn this one in and buy another in a few weeks or
>> something.
>> This story may have some relevance.........
>> I had a lemon law problem with my last Volvo (I already gave away the
>> ending!). I bought it new and the AM radio was bad. In 16 repair
>> attempts,
>> they couldn't get it right. I have no idea why. Anyway, at that point
>> they
>> said there was nothing more they could do.
>> Well, there was ONE more thing. I hired a lemon law attorney who made
>> them
>> buy the car back, 30 months old with ~30,000 miles on it and got all my
>> money back except a few hundred dollars and Volvo had to pay the attorney.
>> It was my 8th Volvo over about a 25 year period. What Volvo might have
>> done
>> was take that car back, give me another one out of their gently used
>> inventory, maybe with fewer miles on it or something, and I would probably
>> be driving Volvos even now. Instead, they turned a loyal customer into a
>> former customer, at great expense, too.
>> Just a thought.
>> 73 de W6OGC Jim Allen
>> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:06 PM, GARY HUBER <glhuber at msn.com> wrote:
>> > A local amateur recently chose to take a new Eagle on the 30 day
>> > evaluation plan. He likes the receiver but has had problems with the
>> > transmitter (after a few minutes on transmit the cooling fans spool up
>> > and the radio shuts down). He communicated with Ten-Tec Service,
>> > followed instructions for power, grounding, etc. but was unable to
>> > resolve the TX shutdown problem. The Eagle was sent back to Ten-Tec
>> > for service, but upon return it appears to have the same problems as
>> > before. I saw the Eagle and a disappointed customer this morning. He
>> > is at or near the 30 day mark of the evaluation and is troubling over
>> > a decision of returning the Eagle Friday morning to get his money back
>> > or buying a radio with an apparent problem.
>> >
>> > I have no skin in this game. I am a Ten-Tec Ambassador but to the best
>> > of my knowledge, I have not been identified as such for this Eagle and
>> > will not benefit one way or another. I am however a long time owner,
>> > user, and proponent of Ten-Tec products and see the possibility of
>> > disappointed and dissatisfied customer as the result of
>> > misunderstanding or miscommunication. Any positive suggestions to
>> > solve this problem for a friend is greatly appreciated.
>> >
>> > 73 & DX,
>> > Gary - AB9M
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