[TenTec] Eagle problem?
va3dwi at gmail.com
Thu May 8 18:56:51 EDT 2014
Does the Eagle perform the same on a dummy load?
Tony, VE3DWI.
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Bell network.
Original Message
From: Kris Merschrod
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2014 17:08
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Reply To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle problem?
I will 3rd or 4th the hypothesis that there is something from the rig out
that is the issue. Something that is staring you in the face. I'd retrace
the system from the way the previous rig was hooked up right on out the
Kris KM2KM
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Allen" <jim.allen at longhornband.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle problem?
> Could the problem possibly be in the local set up somehow? It seems very
> odd that a radio that won't work as expected in one's shack goes back and
> works just fine on the bench at Tentec.
> It might be just the bad radio that occasionally makes it through QC.
> Maybe he should turn this one in and buy another in a few weeks or
> something.
> This story may have some relevance.........
> I had a lemon law problem with my last Volvo (I already gave away the
> ending!). I bought it new and the AM radio was bad. In 16 repair
> attempts, they couldn't get it right. I have no idea why. Anyway, at
> that
> point they said there was nothing more they could do.
> Well, there was ONE more thing. I hired a lemon law attorney who made
> them
> buy the car back, 30 months old with ~30,000 miles on it and got all my
> money back except a few hundred dollars and Volvo had to pay the attorney.
> It was my 8th Volvo over about a 25 year period. What Volvo might have
> done was take that car back, give me another one out of their gently used
> inventory, maybe with fewer miles on it or something, and I would probably
> be driving Volvos even now. Instead, they turned a loyal customer into a
> former customer, at great expense, too.
> Just a thought.
> 73 de W6OGC Jim Allen
> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:06 PM, GARY HUBER <glhuber at msn.com> wrote:
>> A local amateur recently chose to take a new Eagle on the 30 day
>> evaluation plan. He likes the receiver but has had problems with the
>> transmitter (after a few minutes on transmit the cooling fans spool up
>> and
>> the radio shuts down). He communicated with Ten-Tec Service, followed
>> instructions for power, grounding, etc. but was unable to resolve the TX
>> shutdown problem. The Eagle was sent back to Ten-Tec for service, but
>> upon
>> return it appears to have the same problems as before. I saw the Eagle
>> and
>> a disappointed customer this morning. He is at or near the 30 day mark of
>> the evaluation and is troubling over a decision of returning the Eagle
>> Friday morning to get his money back or buying a radio with an apparent
>> problem.
>> I have no skin in this game. I am a Ten-Tec Ambassador but to the best of
>> my knowledge, I have not been identified as such for this Eagle and will
>> not benefit one way or another. I am however a long time owner, user, and
>> proponent of Ten-Tec products and see the possibility of disappointed and
>> dissatisfied customer as the result of misunderstanding or
>> miscommunication. Any positive suggestions to solve this problem for a
>> friend is greatly appreciated.
>> 73 & DX,
>> Gary - AB9M
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