Ham in a box jrichards at k8jhr.com
Sun May 25 18:14:54 EDT 2014

Speaking of TT making stuff... making dipoles this weekend...

I hope they still produce the TenTec Acrobat antenna center insulator. 
I like these for quick and easy dipole construction using either window 
line or coax transmission.  You can also use window line as the antenna 
elements.  I see Jetstream uses them on their G5RV antennas.  I think 
they still cost only $10 (+/-) and they work swell.

If we all purchased some colored rubber rings, a bunch of Acrobat 
insulators, rope, end insulators, connectors,  coax, and similar jazz, 
it would be a minor financial boost and mean less stuff they will have 
to move to the new facility.   Not going to save the company, but it 
couldn't hurt...  ;-)

I have been working with an Elecraft guy to see if the TT rubber rings 
will work on his custom knob - sent him a sample last week.  It would be 
ironic to have TT rings on Elecraft knobs.  Why not!   Its all good.

------------------------ JHR  ---------------------

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