[TenTec] repairs

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Sun Oct 26 19:55:40 EDT 2014

Define broke.

Are you located so far in the boonies the only time the supply plane can make it in is when the river is frozen? 

I've had a lot if rigs on my bench, but can't imagine stocking very part I would need if something went wrong. 

Then.... Do you have the skills, talent and tools required to remove a 64 pin surface mount IC? 

Simple answer. Old is easier to fix. 

Mike wb8vge 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2014, at 7:44 PM, Ken Brown <ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net> wrote:
>> Are there any radios that are user serviceable other than the antiques? If I am in the middle of nowhere and my radio quits
>> then what?

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