[TenTec] Fwd: Looks like company is fading away
Kim Elmore
cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 28 00:02:09 EST 2015
John, I meanno offense. Here, verbatim, is what John Henry posted on the
list. I know no more than what he posts:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [TenTec] Looks like company is fading away
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:16:19 -0500
From: John Henry <jhenry at tentec.com>
Reply-To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
We all know that in time all models will go away. We saw that
unfortunately with the Orion then the Orion II. But, TEN-TEC as a brand
is going strong. We have just had the most successful sale we have ever
had. Sold more product than we ever have. We are hard at work on
improving the factory process, ensuring product quality so that you
always get the product that you have been accustomed to with TEN-TEC.
Since we are shipping so many more products now than before, you will
see reports of problems more frequent, but in reality, the quality
record is better than it was before. A problem component here that
affected a few rigs, a problem component there that affected a few
others. Improper packaging, man that was a mistake. Had it been at the
old ship rate, you would hear one person complain about a problem, then
no one would confirm. But, all in all, we are getting compliments that
the current rigs we are shipping are as good if not better "sounding"
than the previous builds. We are improving many things, not just the
factory output. Fading away? I don't think so. Getting better? I believe
so. Bringing more things to the market in the coming year to years? I
know so. Thanks, and 73, John Henry, KI4JPL
TEN-TEC Engineering, a Division of RFConcepts LLC
TenTec mailing list TenTec at contesting.com
At the end of your original message, to which I responded, you wrote:
"I would like to buy an Eagle (which my brother K5QDA bought, on my
recommendation just before the
acquisition of Ten Tec by Alpha), but I am afraid of an early demise of
available replacement parts
and thus service by Ten Tec.. I have been told by engineer types that
the Eagle receiver will out
perform most transceivers from the Far East costing two to three times
that of the Eagle. I am sure
that you can understand my concern after my Rockwell/Collins experience.
I have three Icom HF
transceivers, but my confidence that affordable parts and service will
be available is weak. The Icoms
are used mobile in my Coach and for backup. In conclusion, I really am
in a limbo as to future radios.
Elecraft maybe? Please accept my apologies for the long email, but maybe
you can identify with it."
From this, I took your meaning to be that you'd like to buy TenTec, but
you're not confident that they will
be able to service their equipment in the future, SPECIFICALLY because
you are worried about "...an early demise
of available replacement parts and thus service by Ten Tec." This is the
"claptrap" I refer to. Based on John Henry's
message, you, or anyone else for that matter, have no more worries in
this regard that you will with any other brand.
Yes, you were complimentary UNTIL you essentially said "but, I'm not
sure TenTec or their parts will be around to service
my radio if it has problems and so I don't know what to do." In short,
the condensed version of your post read to me as:
"TenTec is a great company with fine service from which I have
benefitted, but they may be circling the drain and I'm not
sure what to buy."
It's the "circling the drain" implication with which I take umbridge.
John Henry has jumped in and has essentially
told us that we have no more to worry about regarding such issues
regarding TenTec as we do with any other company
that makes radios.
In past posts, John Henry told us that TenTec, after terminating the
Orion II, has in stock about 10 years worth of parts.
Not bad, as that represents a sizable investment. TenTec is clearly
serious about service, but not in perpetuity. No one
but a cemetery promises perpetual service and care.
My point, my ONLY point in all of this, is and remains that I simply
don't buy all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth over the changes
at TenTec. It's as healthy as it can be in the market it serves.
Kim N5OP
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