[TenTec] infos

Ron Castro ronc at sonic.net
Sun Jun 28 21:41:43 EDT 2015


I'm sorry to hear about the problem with your Orion II reprograming.  This is one area where I would have to ask the experts on the Ten-Tec reflector, and I am forwarding a copy of your email to them.  They should be able to give you an answer to your problem.  I will forward any replies to you.

73, es GL
          Ron Castro

     Redwood Empire DX Assn.
 Northern California Contest Club
Northern California DX Foundation
  Society of Broadcast Engineers

-----Original Message-----
From: bob-on4ldl [mailto:robmichaux at voo.be] 
Sent: June 27, 2015 11:54 AM
To: ron at n6ie.com
Subject: infos

hello Ron
I search information on TENTEC Orion II 566 AT especially the technical manual I explain, making the updated firmware I had a power outage ( alternative courant schutdown ) I try reprogrammed correctly updated firmware and here are the symptoms

Test update with 2 differents PC  and differents cables without any result , port com OK

Update start very slowly and after about 10 minutes windows give " 
windows update can't continue to run"

For information during last update a power shut down appear and upgrade stopped before complete process .

Have you idee about this issue ??

Wait for your answer

Or I want a procedure to put it into state Tentec setup AT 566 Orion Program

Best regards

Robert ON4LDL - Amateur radio enthusiast Tentec

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