[TenTec] Update by John Henry

Tue Jun 30 21:23:06 EDT 2015


God bless and best luck in your new endeavors.  We know you will do well 
am sure your wife and family are happy.  After The supreme being family 
comes next

Curt  WØALC  Cedaredge, CO on western slope.

On 6/30/2015 6:47 PM, John Henry wrote:
> I'm sending this to let people understand a bit better my position,
> what I'm doing, etc. Have had a ton of emails and a few reflector
> queries, so, thought I'd address them all at once, clear the air, so
> that people can get back to the intent of these groups and talk about
> TEN-TEC, how does the xyz gizmo work, when is the Orion III coming
> out, etc.
> I am doing contract software development and software project
> management in the evenings. I am commuting to a company in another
> town in TN for my main income and benefits and did elect to join them
> as a full time employee. The jobs I am taking on will help give me
> experience in areas that I want to learn and grow in that I could not
> get at RKR Designs. Needless to say, I am busy from 7am until 10/11pm
> every weekday, and then enjoying the weekends with my lovely wife and
> my family.
> One of the contracting efforts is for Ham Radio Deluxe. I'm trying to
> resolve problems, add new digital modes, etc.  A couple of the reasons
> I chose HRD are the very same reasons I chose TEN-TEC years ago. The
> tradition of the products/service/company, and I think I can make a
> positive contribution. Simon HB9DRV created a heck of a product that
> served this hobby very well for many years, and Rick Ruhl W4PC and
> partners seem to want to continue on and make it better. Time will
> tell how this all works out.
> Some of the contract jobs may give me a reason to go to Dayton and
> other hamventions, so, who knows, you may see me there plugging
> something new, changes or updates to HRD, etc.
> I wish TEN-TEC all the success in the world, this was not a negative
> departure, but a positive one for myself and my family. Remember the
> saying that is very applicable here.... "One person does not a company
> make".... Me leaving there does not spell doom and disaster for
> TEN-TEC. For example, as of the date I left, it is no secret, I
> disclosed this at Dayton and in various forums, there was an Orion II
> firmware update in progress, I was helping coordinate the software
> change and the beta test activity, but I was not the one making the
> actual software changes. So, hopefully that is still in process. My
> absence should not affect that effort and the only difference in the
> end may be TEN-TEC releases it as a .ruf file instead of an installer,
> well, no big deal, download the previous installer, this new ruf, and
> program your 566 selecting this ruf file. Simple. When necessary,
> TEN-TEC can get software subcontractors to handle firmware updates or
> to work on new product software. So, my leaving only gives them an
> interesting bump in the road, not something to yell the sky is falling
> about. They will survive, they have since 1968.
> Regarding LinkedIn and FaceBook, wow, I have had about 175 requests
> for LI and 50 new for FaceBook since MONDAY this week, argh. Please,
> don't be offended if I say no, I only accept those that I know of or
> worked with/through/acquaintances personally. FaceBook is mainly
> family and VERY close friends so only a few will get accepted there,
> and LI is for those that I have had working working relationships
> with, not casual "howdy's" at hamfests.
> I do intend to once in a while check the reflectors and groups and
> where I can answer something positively to help, but don't expect me
> to be there every day and answer asap as some people expect. I'm quite
> busy with this new schedule.
> I wish you all well, I have enjoyed all of the "going's ons" on the
> reflectors, the phone calls, the hamfests, etc. Do feel free to push
> the above text around to whatever reflector you want, please keep it
> in tact because excerpts can be misinterpreted, as there is nothing
> ulterior or negative meant in any of this. I have never been that way.
> I'll post this to the Yahoo Groups TEN-TEC group, and the
> lists.contesting.com reflector, but that is all from me for now.
> So, please drop the speculation of "the sky is falling" around
> TEN-TEC, as far as I know, it is going to make it another 40+ years.
> And, now I can join the crowd asking when the Orion III will be ready.
> hi hi hi. (No, not stating TT was working on anything when I was
> there, geesh, better kill this rumor before it starts, lol)
> Thanks, and 73,
> John Henry, KI4JPL
> "doing my own thing".
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