[TenTec] OT

Tom Pennebaker n4rs at iamotelephone.com
Wed Apr 27 10:57:47 EDT 2016

Why is it that "round-abouts" (as they are called in the UK) function so
well over here in all European countries, but apparently not in America?
Excuse me, "USA"?

I am by far and away no tree-hugger but I do enjoy breathing clean air.
Traffic circles significantly reduce the amount of air polution by keeping
the traffic flowing (in countries where the people are smart enough to know
how to use them).

  QRX-1 while I slip into my flame suit.

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)

No Flame suit needed Rick. I respect your electronic knowledge. Don't respect "round abouts" or  the sick metric system. Obviously you and many others do. You did the correct thing, you moved!! Wish the others would wake up and follow you....Tom N4RS

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