[TenTec] OT: 7300 buy back program

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Aug 15 12:11:49 EDT 2016


I don't disagree that all mfrs are looking at direct sampling RX, and I 
agree that they should be. I'd call that wise investment in R&D. My 
assessment of the 7300 is that it's a budget level product that was 

The fundamental issue right now with that technology is dynamic range 
with the available chips, which are in the right price range because of 
the volume built for them by cell phones. Guys are making Flex 6700s 
work in contest superstations because the serious bandpass filtering 
they would need with any radio acts as an RX preselector, limiting the 
bandwidth of the spectrum that can overload the A/D. But that won't help 
in EU or AS, where broadcasters are in the passband of any practical 
filter on 40M, and there are some high power broadcasters close enough 
to  20M to make it a problem there too.

I think you've been happy with your ANAN in that regard. Are you doing 
anything special to address the dynamic range issue?

73, Jim K9YC

On Mon,8/15/2016 5:22 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:
> I think dealers and manufacturers have stock piles of ALL superhets, not
> just the 7600.  I think Rick is on the mark that the DEALER is simply
> motivated to move excess 7600 inventory.
> What Rick didn't mention is that there's a fresh rumor making the rounds
> that Icom is about to announce a direct sampling SDR replacement for the
> 7600.  That's extra motivation to move 7600 inventory.
> The 7300 has changed the game, period.  Icom is sitting pretty.

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