[TenTec] WTB.. Ten Tec Titan 425

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Jan 8 12:59:17 EST 2016

On Fri,1/8/2016 3:49 AM, d.e.warnick at comcast.net wrote:
> I've got one in Dover that I haven't used in years.

It's not uncommon for one or more of the HV filter caps to be dried out. 
Nothing destructive happens, you'll simply get reports of hum. Fix is 
easy -- power it down, let the HV discharge, open up the PSU, find an 
analog VOM, and measure each cap in the string on a medium high Ohms 
scale. For each cap, measure in one direction, then reverse the leads, 
notice the strength of the charging current each time you reverse. Go 
down the string, and look for a cap with less charging current than the 
others. That's the bad one.

As to the tubes -- load it into a matched load, carefully tuning for 
maximum output and watch the grid current. It should stay well below 
60mA, and should not creep upward. A 425 with good tubes will drive to 
legal limit with 50-60W on most bands, less on lower bands, more on 
higher bands.

If you need to do troubleshooting, schematics are on my website.

73, Jim K9YC

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