[TenTec] Omni VI instability, TCXO worth it?
Rick at DJ0IP.de
Wed Jul 13 11:17:12 EDT 2016
The Icom radio looks nice but I'm afraid Icom may never address the
dither/randomization problem they have. This is a handicap in a contest, as
the radio blocks too early.
The JA companies just don't seem to be very interested in addressing
problems with their products.
73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Paul Gates
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 4:43 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni VI instability, TCXO worth it?
If it were me Iwould get the Icom radio.
Paul, KW4BD
On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 6:36 PM, Jim Allen <jim.allen at longhornband.net>
> It's not all bad. When my Omni Vi opt. 3 had a transceive problem, I
> sent it in. I had a few chats with the head tech describing the exact
> symptoms and eventually was told that there was no problem at all,
> verified on two separate benches. It was about $120 shipping out and
> back. No charge for the look-see. Well, there WAS a problem. It was
> not transceiving on the same frequency, just as I claimed.
> I ended up sending it to a private repair guy, Wade, who used to
> participate here. I've not seen him here in a long time. He found
> some parts in the chain that needed replacing and that fixed it. You
> might consider getting in touch with him.
> 73 de W6OGC Jim Allen
> When it came back,
> Sent from my iPad
> > On Jul 12, 2016, at 17:02, Peter Klein <pklein at threshinc.com> wrote:
> >
> > A big thanks to everyone who responded. It's been two weeks now, and
> > I
> have not heard a peep from Ten-Tec. Not even a "sorry, we're swamped"
> acknowledgement. Which in itself is a partial answer, I'm sorry to
> say. I love the radio. But if Ten-Tec is unwilling or unable to
> answer a clearly-written request within two weeks, and won't take
> phone calls, then one of the reasons why I bought Ten-Tec in the first
> place apparently doesn't exist any more. Add to that the prohibitive
> and ever-increasing cost of even UPS Ground shipping, and Ten-Tec not
> suggesting a permanent fix when the had the radio in their shop for
> the same problem two and a half years ago.
> >
> > I am not impressed. Yes, I sympathize with Ten-Tec's problems, and
> > the
> general problem of supporting complex technical products. I spend over
> 30 years in network administration and computer support. I know all
> about overly needy and clueless customers, maddeningly complex
> problems, and fire-breathing businessmen who think that anything
> beyond token service is a waste of the bottom line. But I also know
> that I want my radio fixed, or at least be told how likely it is that it
can be fixed satisfactorily.
> >
> > I own a decent Tektronix DVM and a consumer-grade Radio Shack
> > frequency
> counter (resolutio 100 Hz), but no scope, and my space is limited. I
> don't want to have to constantly fix my primary HF rig. Unless I hear
> from Ten-Tec, I will probably do the connector deoxidation, and tweak
> the 40m coil a bit in the same direction that fixed the problem
> before. We'll see how that goes.
> >
> > But I must say, the Icom 7300 is looking more attractive all the time.
> Icom service is right here in the Seattle area, so I could just drop an
> Icom radio off there if I needed service. Apologies for the heresy :-)
> >
> > --Peter, KD7MW
> >
> >
> >> On 7/4/2016 5:14 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
> >> I queried service at tentec.com by email about the following issue
> >> last
> Tuesday. I have heard nothing so far, so I thought I'd get some advice
> >>
> >> Background: I live in the Seattle area. I have modest wire and
> vertical antennas. I'm not a contester or hard-core competitive DXer.
> I do try to work DX when I can, and I might jump into a contest to
> snag a new country. But mostly I do HF digital (PSK, Olivia, MFSK),
> casual CW, or occasionally SSB.
> >>
> >> I've owned my Omni VI for 20 years. It has the Option 1 DSP upgrade.
> Over the years, the radio has several times developed a frequency
> instability issue. Over a time ranging between less than a second to a
> few seconds, the transceiver moves a few 10s of Hz off frequency, then
> back. It's mostly done this on 30m, occasionally on 20m, and now on 40m.
> Lately, it happens on 40m, with a short "period," so if I am listening
> to a good, pure CW signal, it sounds like it has old-fashioned "chirp."
> >>
> >> The frequency shift occurs on both transmit and receive. When it
> happens, if I switch to another band, it does not happen there. It is
> intermittent. Sometimes it appears random, and sometimes appears
> temperature-related (for example after transmitting for a while, or if
> the radio has been just turned on in the last half-hour or so).
> >>
> >> When it first happened (1997), Ten Tec Service advised me to tweak
> >> the
> trimmer coil to the 30m mixer crystal 1/8 to 1/4 turn in either
> direction until the "drift and snap" stopped, and just live with the
> slight display error. I did, and later did the same thing to the 40m
> coil when that band acted up. It worked in both cases.
> >>
> >> When it started to do the frequency dance on 20m, I sent back to
> >> the
> factory for a tune-up. This was in October 2013. Now, it's doing it
> again on 40m.
> >>
> >> I spoke to TenTec's service manager a few months ago. He said that
> >> the
> problem might be solved by installing a temperature compensated
> crystal oscillator (the TCXO was never suggested before). He said
> that I could install this myself if I could solder a couple of wires.
> He quoted me a price of $200 to send me the necessary circuit board
> and instructions. He said it was up to me whether I wanted to spend $200
on "an older radio."
> He was also dead-set against my tweaking the trimmer coils to the
> individual band crystals.
> >>
> >> I decided to wait and see if leaving the power supply on 24/7 would
> solve the issue. Nope. And while I was waiting, Ten-Tec was sold and
> has new service policies.
> >>
> >> I would like to install the TCXO, *IF* it is very likely that it
> >> will
> solve the problem, and I can get at least another couple of years of
> good service out of the radio. On the other hand, the radio is 20
> years old. So if it's just as likely that I will continue to have the
> problem, then maybe the TCXO isn't worth it, and I should think about a
new radio.
> >>
> >> So, what would you do if you were me?
> >>
> >> Thanks and 73,
> >> --Peter, KD7MW
> >>
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