[TenTec] Was omni vi help

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Thu Mar 10 16:05:34 EST 2016

I remember reading that info from John Henry. 

I guess my point is will I have to pay for phone support for a NEW piece of gear? 

I can certainly understand calling about a issue with an Argosy II,and being billed,  however after handing over several thousand dollars, and then be billed in 15 minute increments, for an issue with a NEW transceiver is a bit much to Swallow. 

I guess I see things differently. To me, it's like buying a new car then having to pay the service department to help you figure out why the cruise control won't work. 

Mike wb8vge

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 10, 2016, at 3:16 PM, Thomas Kuehl via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:
> This is part of what John Henry posted on January 4th regarding a portion of the new Ten Tec policies:
> "A second problem in the service department is with the time technicians
> spend on the telephone that quite often ends up having nothing to do with
> the Ten Tec product but is some other station deficiency.  The problem here
> is Ten Tec is not compensated for that time, yet Ten Tec pays wages to the
> technician. When the service department resumes operation, Ten Tec will
> charge the customer for any telephone call or email that consumes more than
> five minutes of technician time.  That time will be billed in quarter hour
> increments at the prevailing service rate."
> _______________________

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