[TenTec] [ten_tec_radio_net] VE3DWI close to be off the air

John Occhipinti k3ur at att.net
Fri May 13 10:09:26 EDT 2016

Tony and Marianne, thank you for the information about your 600 mile move. You surely will be missed on our TEN-
TEC nets for the next 6 to 12 months. We hope you will be back sooner! 

I remember checking you into our TEN-TEC 40 meter SSB net in April 2012 when I started the TEN-TEC nets after 5 years of no TEN-TEC nets. You were a great help to me with Relays right from the beginning and I thank you for this.

Meeting you at the Dayton Hamvention in May 2013, was truly an memorable and lasting relationship with you and the many weeklyTEN-TEC nets that were to follow.

I remember you relaying many stations for me when I was Net Control of the TEN-TEC Sunday, Wednesday and Friday 20 meter SSB nets. You did such a wonderful job that I eventually named you Net Control of the Sunday and Wednesday 20 meter SSB nets and you did an outstanding job as Net Control for several years.

You are to be personally congratulated for your 1200 Checkins to the TEN-TEC Nets. This shows how dedicated you were to all of the weekly TEN-TEC nets the past 4 years and you have been an example that we all envy and should follow.

All of us in the TEN-TEC Family wish you and Marianne the very best of success on your new move that will bring you close to your son.

I know what a challenge it is to make a big move, as Rose and I moved 900 miles from the Scranton, Pa Area to the Atlanta Area almost 18 years ago. Like you, I had to take down my tower and antenna beam and wires and assemble them all over again.

We will be praying for you and Marianne as you prepare for the many challenges ahead and we know that God will be with you and your family all the way.

Thank you Tony and Marianne, for the wonderful relationship and I must admit that I do get emotional at times like this and I have to dry my eyes as I end this email to you.

Remember Psalm 23 and please keep in touch with me on my Facebook page, the link is listed below.

On behalf of all the TEN-TEC family, we wish you a safe and blessed moving experience. 
Sincerely and 73's,

Brother John

John D. Occhipinti, K3UR
Net Manager, ten_tec Amateur Radio Nets

QRZ Page:  http://www.qrz.com/db/k3ur

Group Owner, ten_tec Amateur Radio Net Group

SoundCloud:  https://soundcloud.com/john-occhipinti-k3ur/sets/brotherjohns-most-popular

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/john.occhipinti.14

You Tube:  https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: va3dwi at gmail.com [ten_tec_radio_net] 
  To: ten_tec_radio_net at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 3:48 PM
  Subject: [ten_tec_radio_net] VE3DWI close to be off the air


  Hi all,

  In follow up of my previous email re: relinquishing my position as 20 mtr NCS,  We wish to let you all know that our house has been sold and the process of taking down our antenna system will start soon.  This is a very busy time for Marianne, VE3MXT, and myself and our check-ins on the nets will become less and less.

  We will not be gone all the way however as I still check my emails daily and remain as a group-list member to keep up to date with the Ten-Tec family.

  Once we have moved, 600 miles from here, I will put up antennas ASAP but expect us to be off the air for at least 6 to 12 months.  I know we will miss the nets and all of you but so be it.  I have enjoyed being an NCS.  Some of you have corresponded with us privately by email and I hope this will continue. Thank you all for your encouraging words in the past and present.  73, and from Marianne 88, to all till we return.  BTW..... here is your chance to catch-up to my point score hi... hi.

  All the best from Tony VE3DWI and Marianne VE3MXT.  God Bless.  


  Posted by: va3dwi at gmail.com 

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