[TenTec] Tentec accessories for sale

Bill Cotter n4lg at qx.net
Sun Nov 20 11:34:41 EST 2016

TenTec items for sale:

1) Hercules-to-Corsair/OMNI/Paragon remote-band-switching cable KIT 
to build a model 236 cable. Contains one 15-pin (5x3) molex male 
connector, and one 25pr cable with a DB-25 male, a paralleled DB-25 
female, an unterminated cable end meant to be wired to the 15-pin 
Molex connector, and a spare DB-25 male. All DB connectors have the 
gray plastic hoods. This kit is designed to allow the use of the 
model 301 remote external tuning encoder with the bandswitching of 
the Tentec amplifier. Tentec schematic included. $25 shipped.

2) NOS PTO rebuild Kit in unopened package with instructions. $25 

3) Model 282 Tentec 250Hz CW Filter 6.3mHz IF for Corsair, Paragon 
and OMNI-5/6. $65 shipped.

4) Model 288 Tentec 1.8kHz SSB Filter 6.3mHz IF for Corsair, 
Paragon and OMNI-5/6. $65 shipped.

5) Model 700 Handheld Microphone for Corsair/OMNI/Paragon. $23 shipped.

Will accept PayPal (gift) and ship immediately, USPS money order 
and ship upon receipt, or personal check and will ship upon clearing.

73 Bill N4LG 

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