[TenTec] Fwd: Alpha, RKR, and Dishtronix

Ralph Arnold rea.papaof10 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 12:48:12 EDT 2016

Hmm........ Very interesting  .... I don't know what to believe .... I
still like the quality of workmanship of the pre Omni VII .... American
Made an I could still work on them when needed not like the Chevy sitting
in the driveway.   Good luck Mike 73 KD8BTQ

On Oct 17, 2016 3:47 PM, "Jim Brown" <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:

> Steve London, N2IC, sent me this. I appreciate the correction.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> =   =   =   =   =
> This "corporate raider" stuff is pure BS, invented by the Dishtronix owner.
> The two R's in RKR owned the contract manufacturer that Alpha outsourced
> its work to. They were owed a great deal of money by the previous Alpha
> owner. They had a choice - let Alpha go bankrupt, and likely not recover
> much of what they were owed, or take over Alpha, in lieu of payment.
> They chose the latter. The K in RKR is N0QO, who invested some money to
> keep Alpha floating. As it turned out, they tried to make it a
> profitable business, but were unsuccessful. No one was interested in
> buying them out for anything close to what they were owed. They decided
> that the best way to recover some of their money was the "fire sale"
> they had in the last few months they were still advertising in QST.
> Hardly "corporate raiders". BTW, N0QO got nothing from the fire sale. He
> so disagreed with the two R's that he quit about the time the fire sale
> started, losing all of his investment.
> Alpha has not been profitable since Dick Ehrhorn owned it.
> Right now, Alpha has 2 employees. Glenn, AE0Q, and Pam (whose call I
> forget). Brad quit several months ago. It's not easy to get talented
> and/or skilled employees who will work for peanuts in the
> Denver/Boulder/Longmont job market.
> 73,
> Steve
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