[TenTec] Fwd: Alpha, RKR, and Dishtronix

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Tue Oct 18 15:13:20 EDT 2016

 With no disrespect to Steve N2IC intended on implied...

At this point in time, outside of the interest of historians, does it really matter?

Now, I don't know what happened.  I may never know.  And it's probably none of my business, outside of idle gossip, anyway.

With that in mind -- I've heard rumors since the time RKR took over RFConcepts.  The rumors fell into one of two camps:
 - The group that said that RKR was owed a lot of shekels & took over the business(s) in lieu of payment
 - The group that said that RKR was only interested in selling off the assets

So where is the truth, the real story?  Somewhere in between.  Exactly where, now that's a good question.

But does it really matter?  Because knowing what happened doesn't change anything.  It won't bring the old companies back, it won't undo everything that happened at the end of last year, and so on and so forth.

 Right now, IMHO, the important thing is that Mike continues his efforts to bring both companies back from the brink.  The important thing for Ten Tec is for the sales of new equipment to resume.  And the same for Alpha.

The rest?  Let the historians argue about it.  Let's not waste time or energy in finger pointing and laying blame.

73, ron w3wn

On 10/18/16, Ralph Arnold wrote:

Hmm........ Very interesting .... I don't know what to believe .... I
still like the quality of workmanship of the pre Omni VII .... American
Made an I could still work on them when needed not like the Chevy sitting
in the driveway. Good luck Mike 73 KD8BTQ

On Oct 17, 2016 3:47 PM, "Jim Brown" <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:

> Steve London, N2IC, sent me this. I appreciate the correction.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> = = = = =
> This "corporate raider" stuff is pure BS, invented by the Dishtronix owner.
> The two R's in RKR owned the contract manufacturer that Alpha outsourced
> its work to. They were owed a great deal of money by the previous Alpha
> owner. They had a choice - let Alpha go bankrupt, and likely not recover
> much of what they were owed, or take over Alpha, in lieu of payment.
> They chose the latter. The K in RKR is N0QO, who invested some money to
> keep Alpha floating. As it turned out, they tried to make it a
> profitable business, but were unsuccessful. No one was interested in
> buying them out for anything close to what they were owed. They decided
> that the best way to recover some of their money was the "fire sale"
> they had in the last few months they were still advertising in QST.
> Hardly "corporate raiders". BTW, N0QO got nothing from the fire sale. He
> so disagreed with the two R's that he quit about the time the fire sale
> started, losing all of his investment.
> Alpha has not been profitable since Dick Ehrhorn owned it.
> Right now, Alpha has 2 employees. Glenn, AE0Q, and Pam (whose call I
> forget). Brad quit several months ago. It's not easy to get talented
> and/or skilled employees who will work for peanuts in the
> Denver/Boulder/Longmont job market.
> 73,
> Steve
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