[TenTec] Orion II Black Screen

BobK8IA at aol.com BobK8IA at aol.com
Mon Oct 24 12:22:45 EDT 2016

I am getting ready for our annual Multi-Two N7AT fun in CQWW SSB, this  
weekend. One of the op positions has my Orion II. Today, I turned the Orion  II 
on and no screen appeared, just blank/black. The radio appears to be  
functioning fine but no screen. It does not appear to be power supply  related.
It worked fine two days ago (and generally trouble free since 2006 when I  
bought it new). Latest firmware 3.033xe installed and RX-366. Battery was  
recently replaced.
Any guidance you can give me. The radio is contest-unusable as is.
73, Bob K8IA
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club

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