[TenTec] Post to the Amps Reflector from Dishtronix

Louis Ciotti lciotti1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 16:24:58 EDT 2016

While I understand that they are running a skeleton crew, IMO they must
have both phone and email support every day. At work when we are selecting
components the big thing is support, and when emails go unanswered and you
cannot call up for support we move on. In the end it is not worth selecting
a vendor who has poor customer service.

I wish them luck but they still have a huge hurdle to make a viable company

Sent from my Galaxy S6.

On Sep 24, 2016 12:21 PM, "Mike Bryce" <prosolar at sssnet.com> wrote:

> Apparently whomever is answering emails, doesn’t quite get to them all.
> In the past three weeks I’ve sent at least six emails asking for
> availability of a part.
> so far….
> zip
> So? Does that mean they don’t have it? Aren’t answering emails? Too busy
> to answer emails?
> Mike Bryce
> prosolar at sssnet.com
> > On Sep 24, 2016, at 12:12 PM, Jim Brown <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat,9/24/2016 5:46 AM, Wade Staggs wrote:
> >> I am also wishing nothing but the best for Ten Tec. My problems are
> with a
> >> company that will not even answer their phone.
> >
> > Wade,
> >
> > The problem is that the person who answers the phone must 1) be able to
> do more than make it stop ringing and 2) be paid. This is clearly a
> stripped down operation. The Owner says he's trying to do his best. I am
> encouraged that his first priority seems to be providing repairs for
> equipment sold by the company whose remains he bought from a third party
> who ran it into the ground.
> >
> > This is NOT 1969. Email is a FAR more efficient way of communicating
> with people, with providing support -- answering questions, getting parts
> shipped, coordinating repairs, and far more cost effective than paying
> someone to make the phone stop ringing. I know many people as old as 45
> (including my son and his son) that use texting in place of email because
> they see it as even more efficient.
> >
> > Think about it -- with email, we can compose our thoughts and send it
> ANY TIME, without worrying about time zones, or when we have time to do it.
> And the person receiving it can read it when the work flow is most
> efficient for him or her. No interruptions, no need to pay someone to sit
> next to a phone 8 hours (or more) a day, 5 days a week.
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> >
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