[TenTec] Audio improvements on Argonaut VI

Bob McGraw K4TAX rmcgraw at blomand.net
Mon Aug 20 08:33:38 EDT 2018

I find the RX audio quality of the Argonaut VI to be exceptional when 
compared to other like radios.   In comparing it to the Corsair II, you 
are comparing an analog radio to a digital radio. Yes there is and will 
be a difference.   Accept the fact and get over it.

As to hiss, the headphones do make a difference in what is heard.  Be 
realistic in your evaluation.  Do you operate with no antenna and the RF 
Gain to the left?   I hope not.   So, make your judgements with antenna 
connected and RF gain in various positions with regard to band noise.

As to the pulsing noise when rotating the frequency encoder, it this 
heard with normal antenna and RF Gain?  If not, then it is not an issue.

Stop picking at stuff that isn't real under normal operating 
conditions.    Try different headphones and you will get different results.


Bob, K4TAX

On 8/20/2018 6:47 AM, Carlos wrote:
> Hi,
> I just bought an Argonaut VI and got disappointed with the received audio
> (when comparing it with a Corsair II).
> When monitoring with headphones it improves a lot, but there is some hiss
> in the background, even without antenna and the RF gain all the way to the
> left.
> Do you guys think that I might have a damaged audio amplifier? Is there an
> easy way to improve the received audio with the in-built speaker? PBT/BW/NR
> settings are OK, I even performed a factory reset.
> Using headphones, I can hear a weak pulsing noise when rotating the
> frequency encoder. Is there a way to eliminate that ?
> 73,
> Carlos VK1EA
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