[TenTec] Help needed with Omni VI-op 3

Ken Brown kenradiobrown at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 12:09:47 EDT 2018

My first guess is a noisy local oscillator. Phase noise in the LO PLL
system. Since it happens on all bands I would look at parts of the LO
system that common to all bands. The 5 to 5.5 MHz VFO maybe.

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018, 09:53 Bob Good <k4bg at planters.net> wrote:

> I recently developed a weird malfunction in the Omni VI Op-3.  I hear
> strong CW signals on all bands presented as raspy “white” noise listening
> anywhere on the band.  I can copy their sending and can locate the the
> source signal frequency.  It is as if they were terribly overdriving their
> signal creating band wide spurs.  I hear the same on LSB and USB.  In my 25
> years with Omni’s, I’ve never experienced this.  I have the covers off
> ready to dig in with the deoxit but that’s a lot of connectors.  If any one
> recognizes this problem, please guide me to the likely problem area before
> I go further.  This old old old timer thanks you.  QRZ info is current.
> Regards,  Bob K4BG, Sylvania, GA
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