[TenTec] Orion 2 SUB receiver Question
wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net
Thu Feb 28 21:42:37 EST 2019
Hi Carl thanks!!!yes I own your software for both my Orion 2 and my 2 K3 radios, pegaus software for those, I am the guy u helped eliminate the sluggishnish I was having using the Flex control with the pegasus software and my K3 radios,,, so I will read the manual lol I never saw it in rhere,, also I am adding the IF mood to my Orion to hook up the Lpan unit which I am preety sure your orion software supports!!! All these mods started because I tore radio apart and am changing all the encoders on the encoder board,, ugh not fun but since its apart I wanted to do the mods! Thanks for the heads up on ur info,, ands since its so simple I am going to use the spare jack for IF mod,, and use a small RF type BNC relay mounted in the radio so I can still use Ant 2 with the sub of flip the relay and have an external receive antenna jack avaible for thw sub. ,,,
Thanks again for the info its turning out to be way easier than I thought,
Ex wa8wzg
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Moreschi <n4py3 at earthlink.net>
Sender: "TenTec" <tentec-bounces at contesting.com>Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 19:20:55
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment<tentec at contesting.com>
Reply-To: n4py3 at earthlink.net,
Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion 2 SUB receiver Question
You can also just run a small rg174 coax from the sub-receiver antenna
connection to the spare jack. Then select no antenna at all for the sub
and connect an antenna for the sub to the spare jack.
This is exactly how I use an SDRplay as a panadapter with my Orion.
I have this written up in the manual for my N4PY Orion software. You
can download this manual from my website at n4py.com
Carl Moreschi N4PY
58 Hogwood Rd
Louisburg, NC 27549
On 2/28/2019 6:53 PM, wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net wrote:
> Thans Carl,, Looking at it now,,
> Thanks
> Tom
> N7gp
> ex WA8WZG
> On 2019-02-28 16:13, Carl Moreschi wrote:
>> The antenna connection to the sub-receiver is very obvious when you
>> look at the sub-receiver. You can pull the connector and put another
>> on there that goes to the spare jack in the back. That will do it.
>> 73,
>> Carl Moreschi N4PY
>> 58 Hogwood Rd
>> Louisburg, NC 27549
>> www.n4py.com
>> On 2/28/2019 3:38 PM, wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net wrote:
>>> Does anyone have a Mod or even a thought of a way to add a second
>>> RECEIVE only port for the Sub receiver,.On an Orion 2,. at present I can
>>> only use Ant 2 to select a diversity receive antenna to the SUB
>>> receiver..but was wanting to use antenna 2 for another antenna on a
>>> different band ,so dont want to tie up Antenna 2 jack for diversity
>>> receive.
>>> I dont care if any mod would allow the sub receiver to only have the
>>> separate receive port,, I only use sub receiver for diversity..
>>> Any thoughts would be appreciated..
>>> Thanks
>>> Tom
>>> N7GP
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