[TenTec] Jupiter sweep/sensitivity question

Fernando n2fq at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 5 13:17:20 EST 2020

Hello. Yes, I’ve have this same action when the sweep terminates.

I believe it to be that the RF level is not reset to the value it had

before the sweep began. I wrote to them about it 8 or 9 years ago.

They replied “Will let engineering know about it”. 

If you press the RF button again, it will reset it the level.

Hard to notice it if your RF is set to max, here, I ride the RF

around 30% and then play with the AF control.


Fernando N2FQ/6
n2fq at sbcglobal.net

> On Feb 5, 2020, at 5:18 AM, Ed Lawson <elawson at grizzy.com> wrote:
> Recently I noticed my Jupiter operates in an odd way.  I
> believe it may have always done this since I bought it used.
> Basically, when I activate the sweep feature and it completes the
> sweep two things seem to happen.  First, the background noise and
> signals seem to go up suggesting an increase in sensitivity.  Second,
> the S-meter seems to provide more accurate readings as opposed to
> registering a continuously high value. 
> Radio works fine except for this anomaly and was checked out by Ten-Tec
> awhile back for other reasons. 
> Curious if others have experienced the same thing.  Perhaps I am
> missing a setting that causes this behavior, but it suggests a software
> glitch to me.
> Thank you for any insights.
> -- 
> Ed Lawson
> Ham Callsign:         K1VP
> PGP Key ID:           B80FC40D
> PGP Key Fingerprint:  1E3D C1AD AB42 AFAE 2E07 A3F6 F498 6F10 B80F C40D
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