[TenTec] Eagle and Heath SB-200 Amp

Bob McGraw K4TAX rmcgraw at blomand.net
Tue Feb 25 12:07:17 EST 2020

Oh I hate those words!    "and I assume.......".   Doing that is a sure 
way to damage a radio or other equipment, thus requiring likely 
extensive/expensive repairs.

I find many hams give random, and general and incomplete or inaccurate 
advice and opinions.   While my statement may offend some, and I don't 
care if it does, if one has not actually done the interface between the 
SB-200 and the Eagle, then you have no idea of what has to be done!   If 
you absolutely know, thus you have done it then OK, but if you THINK you 
know or it is "just like........", then keep your dang opinion to 
yourself as it is likely misleading, incorrect, and can cause 
problems.   It is not helpful to the one asking for assistance..


Bob, K4TAX

On 2/25/2020 8:31 AM, Richard Wagner via TenTec wrote:
> and I assume

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