[TenTec] Tentec Nets and Schedules

Bob McGraw K4TAX rmcgraw at blomand.net
Tue Feb 25 17:02:03 EST 2020

Please feel free to join any or all of the following:

Schedule of the 5 weekly TEN-TEC Nets in the order of which they begin:

80 Meter SSB net starts each Saturday at: EARLY EDITION of the Net 
cranking up at 6:15AM ET on 3.928 MHz and take checkins until 7:45AM ET 
where we will yield to the NTS Net.   Approximately 8:15AM ET, upon 
completion of the NTS Net, we will RESUME the Net on 3.928MHz until 
10:00AM ET or later if necessary.   Marc W4OVT from NC is Net Control 
with Assistant Net Control and Relay Net Control Station Tom AK2G from NY.

80 meter PSK31 net meets each Saturday 8PM Eastern Time on 3.581.   Ben 
KE3KQ, PA is Net Control.

40 Meter SSB net meets each Sunday 10AM ET on 7.263.   Sandor KG4FET, TX 
is Net Control.

20 meter SSB net meets each Sunday at 3PM Eastern Time on 14.325.   Dan 
K4RF, NC is Net Control.

40 meter CW net meets each Monday at 8PM Eastern Time on 7.063.   Rich 
N0ENO, KS is Net Control.

Lloyd, N2KPC from NJ is the Net Manager.

Bob, K4TAX from TN is the Technical Advisor.


Bob, K4TAX

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