[TenTec] Jupiter CAT problem

Ed Lawson elawson at grizzy.com
Sun Dec 4 14:34:37 EST 2022

Recently my Jupiter has started to have a very odd problem.  At first I
thought it might have ben due to some changes/issues with software
(XDX and XLog on Linux), but that is not the case.

The problem is that when changing FREQ by via a CAT program, the
radio displays something around 62MHz and the
CAT software shows the radio's FREQ as 1062MHz!.  Oddly, this seems to
only affect the 160 to 20M bands as above that the CAT program properly
changes to the desired FREQ.  Radio is working FB in all other

Using N1MM+ software I can change bands without a problem which is to
say if I click on the 40M button the radio goes to the 40M band.  I
have yet to change to a specific FREQ however.

Since the radio works otherwise and the CAT program reads all FREQ FB as
well as mode, it has me bewildered.

If the serial comm circuit was bad or the firmware corrupted, I assume
the problem would not be so limited.

Anyway, anyone experience this issue?  Potential causes and solutions?
Thank you. 
Ed Lawson
Ham Callsign:         K1VP
PGP Key ID:           B80FC40D
PGP Key Fingerprint:  1E3D C1AD AB42 AFAE 2E07 A3F6 F498 6F10 B80F C40D

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