[TOEC] RTTY av WF1B är nu gratis

SM5AJV sm5ajv@chello.se
Sat, 6 Jan 2001 09:33:15 +0100

Contest programmet RTTY av WF1B är numera gratis.
Läs mera på http://www.wf1b.com/ där man också kan hämta

I senaste ARRL-bullen kan man läsa:

"* RTTY by WF1B now a free program: Just in time for the ARRL RTTY Roundup
January 5-7, (see the 2001 ARRL RTTY Round-Up Rules at
http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/rtty.html or December QST, page
111) Ray Ortgiesen, WF1B, has changed the way his RTTY contest software is
distributed. From now on, RTTY by WF1B will be available free via the
Internet. Users will pay a fee for support, however. WF1B is making the
program's source code available and is soliciting suggested changes from
programmers. For details, visit the RTTY by WF1B Web page,
http://www.wf1b.com/. "

73 de Ingemar

SM5AJV (8S5A in contests)
Ingemar Fogelberg
email: mailto:sm5ajv@chello.se
www: http://hem.passagen.se/sm5ajv

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Submissions:              toec@contesting.com
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