[TOEC] Hur blir kondsen i CQWW ?
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 06:33:43 +0200
Det ser ut att bli "knepiga" konds under CQWW.
Nedanstående klippt från http://dx.qsl.net/propagation/
Three Day SFI and A-index Forecast
(updated daily after 2200Z)
This report issued on Oct 25, 2001 at 2200Z
Date SFI A-index
25 Oct 230 10
26 Oct 225 20 (Senaste WWV-rapport 03Z: I=239, A= 6, K= 1, R=225
SA:hi=)lo-mo GF:qu-un=)qu-un
27 Oct 220 30
Solar Activity Forecast
Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels with a chance
for an isolated high condition.
Region 9672 and Region 9678 both have the potential of producing a major
flare. Both of these regions
are active and magnetically complex. New Region 9682 is just rotating on
to the disc but already
appears to be a large and potentially complex region.
Geophysical Activity Forecast
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be at quiet to major storm levels.
Quiet to active levels are expected
on day one of the period.
Analysis of the X1/3B full halo CME on 25/1502 UTC indicates that shock
arrival is expected late on day
two or early on day three of the period. Shock arrival is expected to
produce unsettled to minor storm
levels for day two and three of the period. Isolated major storm levels
are possible particularly at higher latitudes.
Just ovanstående ser ju lite skakigt ut. Hoppas prognosmakarna har fel och
att det blir
73 de
SM5AJV (8S5A in contests)
Ingemar Fogelberg
email: mailto:sm5ajv@chello.se
www: http://hem.passagen.se/sm5ajv