Mikael Westerlund sm3jla at algonet.se
Thu Oct 30 18:26:14 EST 2003

Här är det iallafall någon som är riktigt aktiv.

HERE COMES THE SUN: Magnetic fields above giant sunspot 486 erupted
yesterday, sparking an X10-class solar flare (2049 UT on Oct. 29th).
The explosion hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth--the second
in as many days.
 This latest CME (movie) will sweep past our planet on Oct. 30th or 31st and
could trigger renewed geomagnetic storming.
 Sky watchers should be alert for auroras tonight.

30-Oct-2003 at 1536 UTC
SFI = 279   A = 180   K = 4

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