[TOEC] Russian DX Contest - SM6U

SM6U/Rickard sm6u at sk6aw.net
Sun Mar 18 15:07:50 EST 2007

Jag känner grupptrycket, så jag får väl kasta in min 3830 post också, texten förblir dock på svengelska :-)

Som en kort sammanfattning kan man säga att det var inte mycket mer som kunde gå åt skogen än det som nu gjorde det, men det var
ändock en rolig helg. RDXC kan man inte bli trött på, det är en av de absolut roligaste testerna!

SB6A, SJ2W & SK7OA ställde upp med SM-Multipliern på olika band, tackar! Ett gäng andra svenskar hördes även i scatterbruset på 20m.
Grattis till Micke som slog till med en ordentlig score!

Call: SM6U
Station: SK6AW

Class: SO SSB HP
QTH: JO67AQ, Gothenburg
Operating Time (hrs): ~17

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:   0       13      12         2
   80:   0      151      30        26
   40:   0      167      33        32
   20:   0      655      48        68
   15:   0       38      17        13
   10:   0        0       0         0
Total:   0     1024     140       141  Total Score = 1,933,561

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


TS-850s + SB220 (~900w)

Wow, what a weekend!

One rotor controller (20m) trashed due to water in the rotor cable, creating
some kind of short circuit. Along with that, water has probably leaked into the
gamma match of the 20m beam, making the SWR rise to 2.5:1, had to use a tuner
(eww) since there was no time to fix it (yes, it has rained like crazy here).
The PC I used to log qsos on fried itself and kept rebooting after 220 qso's.
Worked the rest of the afternoon on a laptop without synchronized logs. Managed
to extract and merge the logs later when 20m died wich allowed for S&P again.
QRT between 11:10 and 11:40 due to a powerful hailstorm and thunder wich caused
arcing in the antenna patch panel(!)

Murphy's total cost: ~2.5 hours of QRT and lots of extra work.

My goal was to beat the old SM-Record of ~1.1M, and I should be able to make
that even if I did RX:d like a lid! 

We really need to improve low-band antennas at the club. It feels like if my kW
goes into a dummyload.

73 de
 SM6U/Rickard (8S4S/SM6YOU)
 +46 - (0)703 - 075 240

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