[TOEC] SAC SSB over 7100kHz?

Tomi Ylinen tomi.ylinen at luukku.com
Tue Sep 9 03:24:58 EDT 2008

This is not official, but just a comment from lately low-active contester:

I think suggestion is not a rule. I don't think these suggestions have been followed too well before. I strongly think it is stupid to rule out part of already narrow 40 m SSB band.

I have no experience on 7100+ operating, but as long as it is allowed in our regulations, I might try it to see can one get QSOs there. Maybe not fair to swedes but on the other hand it spreads out activity leaving more room on lower end of the band.

Another thing on SSB is the CQ WW RTTY at the same time. The whole band will be full of RTTY stations.

t Tomi OH6EI

Gunnar Widell kirjoitti 08.09.2008 kello 20:36:
> Hej,
> Ser i reglerna:
> *Operating Frequency suggestions Low Band SSB*:
> 7040-7090, 3600-3650 and 3700-3790 kHz.
> (Avoid operating on 7090-7100 and 3790-3800 kHz).
> Vad gäller för de länder som har tillstånd att sända ovanför 7100kHz?
> Står inget i reglerna om det. Sverige har fortfarande inte tillstånd. 
> Finnar och norrmän får anses dopade?
> Eller så kanske man kan bestämma att dom INTE får sända SSB under 
> 7100kHz, så kanske det jämnar ut sig...
> 73 de Gunnar SGP
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